Network Marketing: the Ideal Wellness Medium
One reason wellness and network marketing are such natural sister industries is that wellness is rich in the kinds of new technology that are best learned person to person. In fact, in many cases, there is no other way for people to learn about these new options.
If you go to a conventional weight-loss clinic, they are focused on marketing their processed food products to you—they don’t give you lessons in wellness. The information just isn’t out there; almost all of the research in the medical business is on sickness. Where does the consumer turn?
The only way to learn about wellness is through someone close to you who has had a wellness experience. You see your college roommate and go, “My God, John, you look great! You look so healthy—what did you do?” You bump into a wellness experience and start to find out that there is a whole wellness industry out there, with all sorts of new products and services.
Correct information about diet, nutrition, vitamins, minerals: and supplements is almost all contrary to what we’ve heard from our medical community; for many, it runs counter to how we were brought up. There’s so much inaccurate information out there, people have become conditioned to it. When they first hear new, good information, naturally they’re going to be skeptical. The only way they will actually change their paradigm or start to learn new information is person to person—because they’re actively engaged in a conversation.
This doesn’t happen overnight. It may take three, four, five, or six conversations with different people before you actually change your mind. That’s why wellness, which is so clearly paradigm-changing information for so many people, really works best in a one-to-one interactive environment—like network marketing.
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